From April 2019 Sports Connections Foundation are going to be working in partnership The Davies Family Quest for Klinefelter Syndrome Awareness. The DFQ are a small family who are looking to fundraise and raise awareness for Klinefelter Syndrome due to a member of their family being diagnosed with the syndrome.
Klinefelter syndrome (sometimes called Klinefelter's, KS or XXY) is where boys and men are born with an extra X chromosome. KS is quite common, affecting around 1 in every 660 males, but it is not commonly heard of, and The DFQ and our aim is to raise awareness and the profile of this incurable condition.
The family are based in Dagenham and with our co-founder Junior previously having played football for Dagenham & Redbridge FC we will see Team DFQ play a charity match against a team of Daggers Legends!
It promises to be a great fun filled day for all and will be hosted at The Chigwell Construction Stadium in Dagenham and entry is free (with donations welcome)