We are aware that there may be concerns about the coronavirus. SCF have been giving careful thought as to what particular actions might be taken to mitigate the risk of people spreading or catching it whilst participating in our events. Helpfully, we have received the following advice that we will be putting into practice with immediate effect:
For SCF staff and Volunteers:
Don't come to come into work or attend events if you have cold or flu symptoms (the current advice is to self-isolate for 7 days);
Do - Wash your hands with soap and water (for at least 20 seconds) before arriving at all events and at work
Do - Avoid close contact with those who are unwell (eg don't visit anyone who is self-isolating).
Clearly this is a situation that is continuing to evolve, and therefore the recommendations on what actions to take may also change. It would be wise to keep checking the advice being issued by the government about general actions and travel. A good start point is:
Currently the government's advice remains focused on regular handwashing and catch it / bin it / kill it (ie catch coughs and sneezes in a tissue).
If the situation and the actions to take materially change, we will update you further.
If you or school has any other concerns or questions in relation to Prokick Schools Challenge events of SCF activities please do not hesitate to contact us on:
Main office: 01733 390337
Email: info@scfchildrenscharity.org.uk