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SCF Christmas Party - SCF Santa with children - Burkina Faso _edited.jpg

Inspire Through
Sport International

Using sport and education to guide children away from a life of poverty

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Please support us with our Inspire Through Sport International efforts to bring much needed relief & hope to some of the poorest children on the planet. We can do it with your help!

UN reports have previously indicated that Burkina Faso is one of the poorest countries in the World. SCF are fully committed to supporting some of the most vulnerable children on the planet.
Global citizenship is fundamental to what we do and we are committed to educating children every week through our established ProKick Schools Challenge.
Our international vision is to provide sport and resources, food and health care, which are crucial to the success and sustainability of our projects.
Long-term we want to see more children gain access to education and a brighter future through further funding of the Orphanage and Nursery which is so close to our hearts in Burkina Faso, West Africa.

We are also proud to have provided a well, which we
hope will provide water for thousands of families for
many years to come in Malawi.

We want to develop links and partnerships with
companies and organisations who can help us
develop our life-changing programmes in West Africa.
Sports Connections Foundation has paid for many football kits & balls to be given out to the children who have next to nothing.
The charity's Co-Founder, Junior McDougald, spent time visiting schools and orphanages, coaching camps, and clearing areas for the children to play & afterwards said; "By going out there & seeing just how much these kids need to get an education, I realized SCF can make a big difference to their lives, & help steer them away from a life of poverty". 
If you are interested in coming along as a volunteer on our next trip, then please contact us.

Sports Connections Foundation
1st Floor

103 High Street


PE29 3LL

Registered Charity Number 1133694
Company Reg No. 07027448 (England and Wales)

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